Quality Improvement Monitoring
The MAPS team leads activities to support services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to build their capacity to monitor the quality of their services, i.e. the extent to which they achieve desired outcomes for their service users.
Key Findings
- Quality improvement monitoring activities must be embedded within a continuous quality improvement cycle: data collection must focus on personal outcomes that are important to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and the results must be translated into actions.
- Continuous quality improvement monitoring requires all stakeholders to be responsive to the knowledge that is created so that it is translated into improved supports and enhanced social inclusion.
- Stakeholders involved in a continuous quality improvement monitoring cycle should collect information on the benefits to service users (personal outcomes), the resources and processes used by agencies to provide services (organizational outputs), and the ways in which agencies and the relevant ministries enhance personal outcomes and organizational outputs (system strategies).
To learn more about quality improvement monitoring, read our paper. You may also watch a summary of the paper.
- A list of proposed indicators is available for consultation; please contact Virginie Cobigo (Virginie.Cobigo@uottawa.ca).
- Read our comments on measuring belonging as a service outcome and on how to measure impact on service users’ freedom to make choices.
Current Projects
- This project is a new partnership with La Cité Collégiale. V. Cobigo has been invited to lead the evaluation of the implementation and impact of a new vocational training offered to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Building on previous MAPS activities, she also provides evidence to inform the development of the new training activities.
- 2015-2018, funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- The project is led by Nathalie Méthot from La Cité Collégiale
- Co-investigators: Gisèle Parisien & Frédérique Tremblay, Association pour l’intégration sociale d’Ottawa; Sylvie Rozon & Isabelle Côté, La Cité Collégiale; Linda Cardinal & Virginie Cobigo, University of Ottawa
- Collaborators and partners: La Cité Collégiale, University of Ottawa, Association pour l’intégration sociale d’Ottawa, Hôpital Montfort, Valoris pour enfants et adultes de Prescott-Russel
Past Projects
- Virginie Cobigo has partnered with LiveWorkPlay (www.liveworkplay.ca) to evaluate their employment support program. The evaluation will look into the perceived benefits to employers who hire individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- The work is undertaken as a course assignment by Casey Fulford, PhD student under the supervision of Virginie Cobigo (2015)
- 2010-2013, funded by an Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services, Policy and Research Analysis Branch Research Grant
- Principal investigators: Hélène Ouellette-Kuntz, Rosemary Lysaght & Robert Hickey, Queen’s University; Virginie Cobigo, University of Ottawa; Yona Lunsky, CAMH; Lynn Martin, Lakehead University.